About Us » Mission & Vision Statement

Mission & Vision Statement


Mission Statement

Audubon Middle School’s mission is to provide a safe environment with an engaging, relevant, and rigorous curriculum under a culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy in which students will develop self-empowerment and character to their fullest potential.




Vision Statement

Audubon Middle School will become the leader in producing life long learners who are able to compete in a global society and work in a global marketplace. Our stakeholders will provide a safer, supportive, nurturing environment in which putting forth one's best efforts are demanded, high ideals and excellence are expected, and performance is rewarded.



School Motto

Soaring to New Heights 



School Colors 

Green and White




American Bald Eagle



Alma Mater

Hail, hail Audubon’s colors of green and white.

Hold high Audubon's banner that stands for right.

Au-du-bon ever faithful in word and deed.

We pledge our hearts to your need.

March, march carry the colors so bright and true.

We shall work with a will when it’s done for you.

Call, call, Audubon call.

We'll come from campus and hall, All hail Audubon hail we sing hail to you.





Schoolwide Learning Outcomes


Audubon Scholars are:


Critical Thinkers/Problem Solvers Who:


                                        Work collaboratively using 21st century skills
                      Able to use a variety of strategies to arrive at a conclusion/solution
                                                       Use multiple levels of inquiry


Respectful Citizens Who:


                                                       Are honest/have integrity
                                      Respect adults, elders, boundaries, and norms
                          Have social emotional awareness for themselves and others


Effective Communicators Who:


                         Are able to adjust their communication for the situation/audience
                     Express themselves (articulate their thoughts/needs/positions/opinions)
                 Have good listening skills which allow them to hear multiple points of view